誰是 chaoman
長期旅居美國的台裔華人。現在在灣區的一家日本汽車零件供應商負責車連網研發專案的開發, 策劃, 執行和維護. 在IT界打滾約10餘年. 專精於網路,手機,通訊,手機App研發,資料中心營運和車聯網的案子。有天突發起想想當一個業餘的部落格(博客)寫手來讓自己的中文不致於退步太嚴重. 又因為搬來灣區後有很多技術方面的事要記錄下來,所以想開始的記錄生活的點滴。
第一階段 高雄 – 出生至小四
在高雄出生,小時候可以跟左鄰右舍玩在一起的天真日子。等到大家都大了,剛好在任天堂和大台電玩興盛的時期。 對小時候的記憶就是去大統樓頂打電動和去美食街吃蚵仔煎或是在市場裡吃意麵和黑輪。洛克人,魂斗羅和立體棒球都是在這個時期接觸到的。
第二階段 台北板橋 – 小五至專二
之後因為家裡工作搬至當時還稱台北縣的板橋。完成了國小和國中的學業。此時也是剛開始接觸文字遊戲大作,如太空戰士(最終幻想)III, 勇者鬥惡龍 IV & V, 吞食天地一和二代, 聖劍傳說等經典大作。電玩主機也從任天堂換成 NEC PC-Engine 到超級任天堂。一直到五專購入了人生的第一台 486 DX2-66 後跑著MS-DOS 6.22 + Windows 3.1,才開啟了用電腦的這條道路。在當時還只有 14.4 kbps 的魔電 (Modem),架著BBS站,去其它站台跟人家聊天和交換檔案,也真正開始接觸網路這世界。此時申請 中華電信的 Hinet,我被分配到的郵箱還是ms2.hinet.net 的。那時候可以連上 NBA.com 去看魔術隊大戰公牛的網路影片。
第三階段 美國紐約-紐澤西- 十二年級到成家
第四階段 美國加州 – 全職專案經理
研究所畢業後,在智慧手機蓬勃發展時期,決定離開舒適圈到矽谷闖蕩。在灣區幾年期間,在技術方面成長許多。也真正的發展成全職的專案經理。有機會帶領過不同種類的案子和結識不少不同方面的技術人材。真的發現在一級戰區的矽谷,聰明絕頂的人真的很多。也在矽谷換過不少公司,也經歷過公司被併,裁員,新創公司的起落,大公司內部的鬥爭。另一方面也成功的推出不少有趣的案子,例如媒體串流軟體,資訊中心的轉移,手機 Apps, 網路監控系統,雲端共享平台和車連網系統。
Chao-Lin Cho
PMI certified project manager and agile practitioner with verifiable track record of successful project accomplishments in information technology, e-commerce websites, mobile, streaming media, network performance management and cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) products, and business operation. Strong project leader; demonstrated ability to work effectively with cross-functional members at all levels and in all functional areas. Solid knowledge of technical projects and familiar with various project management tools. Blend of hands-on technical experience and support background with analytical skills and problem-solving ability to work with internal and external project stakeholders.
Fluent in Chinese and conversational in Japanese.
Additional Background
From Taiwan to New Jersey and New York
I was born and raised in Taiwan, immigrated to the US at age of 16. It has not always been easy adjusting the culture and laguage differences. I attened high school in Freehold, NJ then went to St. John’s University in Jamaica, NY to complete my bachelor’s degree. My first job was a project engineer at a small Point-of-Sale hardware manufacturer in Farmingdale, NY. I picked up a lot of solid technical skills from my first job. Having stayed there for 2 and half years, I switched to a better opportunity in Manhattan as an IT manager. In the 6-year tenure with one of the largest wireless carrier in Japan, I have managed and delivered many interesting projects such as wireless roaming network authentication, Japanese animation mobile channel and video streaming. In the later part of this position, I realized the importance of management skills so I decided to attend graduate school for management skills. Finally I completed my master’s degree in 2010 and I felt it was time for a change and pursue different challenges.
Challenges in Silicon Valley
As a technology enthusiast, I am always interested in new gadgets, gaming and innovative technologies. 2010 was also the prime time for smartphone revolution. I made another difficult decision to leave my comfor zone and brought the entire family for a new exciting opportunity in Foster City, CA. It is absolutely no doubt that works in the Silicon Valley was exciting and fun. On the flip side, the work itself was also challenging and stressful. In just 7 years of my stay in Silicon Valley, I have changed 5 jobs. Some of the changes were voluntary but one was forced due to being laid off.
However, if I have not worked for these different opportunities, I would not have met many highly talented people, picked up wide array of different projects and learned so many things. So far it has been an enjoyable journey and I am still having fun here.
Anyway, I would like to use this website as a flatform to share my learning experience and unique discoveries from things that I am intersted. Although majority of my articles will be written in Chinese to help me remember my Chinese composition skills, you can translate them if you find something that fits your needs.
I particularly enjoy retro gaming like the old-school Nintendo Entertainment System, NEC PC-Engine (Turbografx), SEGA Genesis and Arcade games. I am also interested in home repairing, motor vehicle maintenance, baseball, software, basketball and outdoor activities. I also like to explore different food options, drink coffee and alcohols.